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About us


About us

I am a young female entrepreneur that lives in the US. Ever since I was young, I was always an artsy type of person. I always enjoyed reading, painting and more. When I reached my teenagers years, I started to get interested in k-culture After getting it to k-dramas. When Covid hit, I was watching one after the other. Some of my favorites are “Crash-landing on you” and “Goblin". I would just fantasize how beautiful the stories were.

How Sarina was made

One thing that stood out me the most about the dramas is how they dress. This led me to start trying to find a certain dress from one of my favorite dramas and it were nowhere to be found! This is when I decided that I would create an e-commerce boutique, where fans could find clothing from their favorite dramas or clothing worn by their favorite celebrities, And over all aesthetic Korean fashion.

 I am always on Pinterest, I have over 10,000 pins saved, I would always come across very nice style and I knew it would be difficult to find them at a reasonable price and have good quality, but when I created Sarina I went searching all over and found these dress so now you can find all your favorite pieces all on one website!


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